Refund and Returns Policy

Unfortunately, we do not have a Return Policy.

If the garment that you have purchased is not right for you, you have 4 days to make the exchange once delivered. Shipping cost will be borne by the customer. As we do not have a reverse pickup facility, the customer will have to ship by themselves to us. Please ensure that the garment is unused, is in the original packaging and has all the original tags. Once we receive the package, we will review and process the exchange. Items are eligible for exchange only once. We do not accept any exchanges for items marked as SALE and items purchased on Flash Sale.

How to get featured on your Instagram?

We love to see you flaunt in MAK & CO outfits! Just DM/Email us your photos and we would love to put a story/post! You can mail them to us at

Shipping Policy

We usually ship the product within 2-5 working days after receiving the order and try and deliver them within 7 to 14 working days.

Sundays and public holidays are off as no courier company functions on those days. Express shipping is applicable on all days except on Sundays & public holidays.


If you have any questions feel free to mail us at and we’ll positively get back to you within 24 hours.

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